Dua for Husband to Listen to His Wife

“Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart” is for all those women who love their husbands. Now, some of you will think that every woman likes her husband. That’s all I want to say; this dua is for every married woman who wants to increase love in their husband’s heart.

I don’t think that any woman doesn’t want more and more respect from her husband. Here, we are representing an easy and powerful Dua to increase your love in your hubby’s heart, which is a very well-known dua.

The Dua To Get Your Husband Back can bring your husband back into your life, and it will remove all kinds of misunderstandings and problems from your married life.

How To Increase Love In Husband Heart By Dua?

The respect between husband and wife keeps decreasing with time; this is a well-known truth. With the help of this great dua, a wife can increase her love in her husband’s heart. We are glad to share this dua with you. No other website will share this Islamic dua with you because it’s effortless to perform.

Are you confused in Which Surah to Read For Husband Love in Islam? First of all, we want to clarify that all wazifas and duas on this site are Quranic. We are strictly against Black Magic kind of stuff. So you can trust us and perform any of the dua available on www.onlinelovedua.com.

Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart –

If you want to make your husband listen to you, then perform the following steps of Dua to increase love in your husband’s heart:

Start this wazifa After the Maghrib prayer

Make sure you are in the form of ablution, and remember to wear neat and washed clothes.

Imagine your husband’s face

You can also put a photo of him in front of you. Look at his picture while reading this wazifa.

Read Durood Sharif five times.

You can read any durood sharif which you remember properly. Keep imagining your happy relationship with your husband.

Then read the following lovely name of ALLAH SUBHAN WA TA’ALA

Recite “YA WADUDO” 500 times and Pray to Allah SWT to make your husband loyal to you. Insha Allah your husband will fall in your love and he will continuously miss you.

Again read Durood Sharif five times

You have to read the same durood Sharif. For seven days, you have to repeat the same process.

Within seven days, you will start feeling changes in your husband. You could continue this process for more time if you don’t get the desired results. This dua has one more specialty: if someone had done Black Magic to separate you, It would be removed, Insha Allah.

Dua to bring husband and wife closer is best if you want to make your marriage long-lasting and filled with love.

Dua To Increase Love In Husbands Heart
The Dua To Increase Love In Husbands Heart will help you to make your husband mad in love with you.

Do you want to make your husband listen to you? Don’t worry; here we are presenting a solid and effective dua for an obedient husband. Many sisters ask about this dua. That’s why we are sharing this powerful dua for the husband to listen to his wife.

Before starting the Dua, Read the Rules of performing a dua. It will help you to get fast results, and Dua to increase love in your husband’s heart will work like fire for you.

Dua To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife

  • Read Surah Jumah (chapter 62) on Friday and invoke the Almighty Allah to fulfill your desire.
  • Recite (AL MAANI-U) The Preventer as many times as possible.
  • In the end, recite the following portion of verse 54 of al Ma-idah on some sweet eatables and let both of them eat it.
He loves them and who love Him, humble towards the believers, mighty against the infidels. 
Dua To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife

A person can also, read Dua to make someone fall in love with you it can help you increase love in your husband/wife heart.

In dominating male society, it’s widespread that women didn’t get valuable attention from their husbands. This wazifa is for all those sisters whose husbands ignore them. If you, too, are such a woman, this wazifa will work like a miracle. The process for this dua is straightforward.

Here is Dua To Make Husband Listen To His Wife Step by Step –

  1. You have to start this amal after Isha Salat.
  2. Start by reading Durood Salavat eleven times.
  3. After that, read below given Surah Taha Ayat no. 39.
  4. Now take two almonds and again read Durood Salvat.
  5. In last, you have to blow on both Almonds.
  6. The final step is to make your husband eat them.
  7. You have to repeat the same process for seven days.
Dua to increase love in husband's heart, Dua to make your husband listen to you

If you find this process hard to follow due to some issues, you can also read Dua to get what you want for fast results.

Insha Allah, within seven days, your husband will fall in your love. The results of this dua to make your husband listen to you are so unique that your husband will never deny you.

I hope Wazifa to make your husband crazy in love, will help you. Dua To Increase Love In Husband’s Heart is an Islamic remedy that can help you increase love in your husband’s heart.

Dua To Make Husband Listen To His Wife
If your husband doesn’t listen to you then read this Dua to make husband listen to his wife.

If you have any doubts about performing this dua, then you can contact us. Some sisters might find this method hard to complete, then below they can read other wazifa too. We want this wazifa to help more and more sisters, so please share this on social media.

How To Control The Anger Of A Husband?

Some husbands are rude and always angry. They show all of their rages to their wife. To all the Muslim brothers, I want to tell you that she is your wife, not a slave.

If your husband also has a terrible temper and always has a bad mood, this wazifa is for you. This Dua to control the anger of her husband, has extreme power in itself.

If your husband always gets angry and doesn’t listen to your advice, then Dua To Make Someone Obey You will make your husband agree with you.

The best part of this wazifa is that we use the beautiful name of Almighty Allah Ta’ala. This name of Allah is so powerful that it can change your husband-wife relationship forever.

Does your husband have left you, and you want to bring him back? If yes, then Dua For Someone To Come Back To You will help you bring your husband back into your life.

Steps to Perform Wazifa to Control the Anger of A Husband –

  1. Read Durood Sharif eleven times;
  2. Then you have to read “Ya Uffuv-vo” ALLAH’S name 111 times.
  3. Again read Durood Sharif eleven times;
  4. In the end, you have to dum on your husband’s food.
  5. Make your husband eat that food;
  6. You have to repeat this process for forty days;
  7. Don’t stop in periods.

Insha Allah, After starting this wazifa within 21 days, you will start noticing a massive change in his behavior. We hope that we can help more and more sisters with the help of this wazifa. We request you to please share this article on social media.

Read Dua for a good relationship between husband-wife to stop fighting between you both.

Dua to control the anger of a husband
Do you think your husband has anger issues? Read Dua to control the anger of a husband it will help to calm his behavior.

If you have any questions regarding this wazifa or any other Islamic Dua, you can ask us on WhatsApp. Also, you can read Dua for Love back if you want to make your husband mad in your desire.

How can I control my husband’s mind in Islam (Dua/Wazifa)?

First of all, let me clarify that controlling someone’s mind with wrong intentions is a sin in Islam. If you want to control your husband’s heart for a justifying purpose, you will succeed in this Dua to control your husband’s mind in Islam.

You can follow these steps to control your husband mind in Islam:

  1. You have to start the dua after Isha Salaah.
  2. Read Ya wadudu 41 times and imagine your husband’s face and dum on it.
  3. After that, ask Allah Subhan Wa Tallah to listen to your dua.
  4. Insha Allah, within a week, you will see your husband is in your control. 
Dua to control my husband's mind in Islam
Read the Dua to control my husband’s mind in Islam

You can make your husband do as you say by reading Dua to control my husband’s mind in Islam.

How to Increase Love Between Husband and Wife?

Although we have mentioned the best duas to make your husband admire you, you can see this video if you have less time to read those duas. In this video, we posted a dua to increase love in the husband’s heart forever.

Do you want to increase your attraction to your husband’s heart? If yes, then you must read Dua for husband love. It will help you to improve your relationship with your husband.

We don’t think that we need to explain its benefits anymore because we have already written above. Such duas are so effective that they will always help you with husband-wife issues. I hope you will get help from this video.

If your husband or wife is forced to leave home or already left home and live somewhere else and want to bring them back, read Dua For Husband And Wife To Get Back Together. It will help to increase love between a couple.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dua for Husband:

Now it’s time to share some common questions asked by our readers. We are sure that you will also be having such issues in your mind. So let’s take a look at some doubts regarding this post.

What should I do if my husband is living far from me? How can I give him those almonds to eat?

Sister, if your husband is far from you, you will have to wait for him until he comes home. If you are in a situation where your husband is not ready to meet you, you can consult Mr Bilal Khan on WhatsApp at +918306867733.

Can I perform this for my fiancé?

Yes, you can perform for your future husband, but you should be engaged to him. Also, remember that you can’t perform this dua with the intention of harming someone.

I want to get back my husband’s love, so please tell me a dua that will help. We have no contacts right now for so many misunderstandings & family issues. I don’t want to get separated.

Sister, Duas are the most helpful thing which you can do to solve your problems. All the duas written above are equally beneficial. Still, if you have some doubts or can’t perform any of the dua mentioned above, you can consult us. We will try our level best to help you.

For how many days should I continue Dua to make husband loyal?

You have to continue this dua for seven days. Make a fresh ablution, recite Durood Sharif three times; after that, read Surah Taha and again recite Durood Sharif three times. In the end, pray to almighty Allah to make your husband loyal to you.

For how many days should I continue Dua to make the husband listen to his wife?

Again, in this dua, you have to perform for seven days. If you are not getting any positive results in it, then we will suggest you WhatsApp us. The reason behind asking you to contact us is that we can personally check your issue and recommend you best.

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