Benefits of Surah

Surah is the most essential part of the Quran. It contains many benefits that help us in our daily lives. The first benefit is that it helps us to understand the Quran. When we read Surah, we are able to understand the Quran better.

It also helps us to remember the Quran. By reading Surah, we are able to memorize the Quran better. The second benefit is that it helps us to stay on the right path. Surah provides guidance and direction in our lives.

It helps us to make good decisions and stay away from evil deeds. Surah also helps us to increase our knowledge and understanding of Islam. The third benefit is that it helps us to get closer to Allah. When we read Surah, we feel closer to Allah and His blessings. We are also able to ask for His forgiveness more easily. Surah is a great blessing from Allah and we should all try to read it as much as possible.

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