Online Love Dua to Make Someone Love You Back

Making someone love you back is seems to be a difficult task. Wait for a second noting is difficult if you believe in Almighty Allah Subhan Wa ta’ala. Here at online love dua, you will get many wazifas and duas, which will help you to solve your love issues.

“Dua to make someone love you back” is an example of love duas which are available on our website. We provide the best and genuine Islamic dua for love. If you are here, that means you want one very powerful and effective dua to make someone love you back? We have only a few words to say about this you are at the right place for this.

Before starting, we want you to read the whole article. We believe that a little information about any topic will not be going to help you in any situation. So we insist you read this article carefully and don’t skip.

Dua to Make Someone Love You

Everyone knows that one-sided love is more painful than anything. Here we are providing you with a solid dua to solve your issue to gain someone’s respect. This dua is also useful in many cases as you can use this dua for anyone.

The Dua to get someone back in your life is not mandatory to use only for a lover. You can make your husband/wife to love you, or you can make your boss/colleague to love & respect you with the help of Islamic Dua.

It’s a secure method to create a soft corner for you in someone’s heart. If you do in-depth research, then you will find many genuine Islamic Scholars who will suggest this method. All the steps for “Dua to make someone love you” are mentioned below;

  1. First of all, recite Durood Sharif three times.
  2. The next step is to recite the ayat mentioned below for seven times.
  3. dua to make someone love you, dua to make someone love you back, dua to make someone fall in love with you, dua to make your husband love you back, dua to make someone love you again
  4. In the end, again recite Durood Sharif three times.
  5. Now the final step is to imagine that person and blow on his face.
  6. Within a few days, you will start getting the results, and that person will start loving you, Insha Allah.

Dua to Make Someone Love You

Important note:-

Now we will mention some essential points on this wazifa that you need to remember while performing. You can recite any durood which you have learned properly. One best part of this wazifa is there is no timing limitation in it.

For marriage related issues read Wazifa for love marriage.

You can describe this whenever you have time. The second best part is it is a small wazifa, and it takes very little time to complete. This wazifa has no time limit; like you can continue this dua to make someone love you until you get results.

If you want to get a phone call from your lover, read Dua to make someone miss you. This particular dua will create an eagerness in your lover’s heart, and he will surely call you.

We advise you to share this wazifa with all your Muslim relatives and friends because sharing the word of Allah is very beneficial. When you share any wazifa or dua, it is helpful for you to get respect in the eye of Almighty Allah.

If you think your bond with your lover is getting weak, recite Dua to make a relationship stronger for a healthy connection.

Frequenty asked questions

Is there a dua to make someone love you?

Dua to make someone love you, You have to make yourself clean before starting the dua. Then after every Salah, read ” AL-QUDDUS ” the lovely name of Almighty Allah. It is the Dua to make someone love you. In the last step, you have to ask the Lord to fulfill your wish. Insha Allah, within a few days, you will see the results.

Which Dua is for getting love back?

The Islamic dua to get lost love back, Take your lover’s photo, read Surah Al-Qari’ah for eleven times, and blow on your lover’s picture. If you don’t have his image, you can imagine his face and blow on his face. It will help you to bring your lover back into your life. It is effortless to perform.

Powerful Dua to Make Someone Love You Back

For youngsters losing his/her true love is a huge problem to deal with breakups. Having attraction towards the opposite gender is not a bad thing its a natural process. If you had a lover with whom you wanted to spend your whole life, but suddenly you get separated from him/her then don’t worry this dua will help you.

If you want to perform this dua for your husband, then we will recommend Dua for husband love because it’s the best dua for a wife to read to increase her husband’s love for her.

You could take the help of this powerful Islamic dua if you lost your love. Getting love back is like a miracle to happen in someone’s life. This wazifa has special powers in its words. It can solve your love problem very soon and effectively.

Steps to Perform Dua to Make Someone Love You Back:

  • You have to complete this wazifa before sleeping after finishing your all work.
  • Do fresh ablution.
  • Clean your bed and sit there.
  • Recite Durood Sharif for eleven times.
  • Then recite the verse given in the photo below.
  • dua to make someone love you, dua to make someone love you back, dua to make someone fall in love with you, dua to make your husband love you back, dua to make someone love you again
  • Again recite Durood Sharif for eleven times.
  • Also, you have to imagine that person for whom you are doing this wazifa.
  • You have to perform this for eleven days.
  • Don’t Skip a single day in this process.
  • Insha Allah, within this time you will be able to reunite with your lover.

Important note; Ladies should not perform this dua to make someone love you back in their menses/periods. You can also read Dua to make someone obey you if you want to make anyone agree with you.

Wazifa to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

The majority of peoples email us to ask for this wazifa. We already had provided this wazifa in the previous post. Here we will give you the link to that post you can go there and read about this. “Wazifa to make someone fall in love” is an effective wazifa.

You can begin this Wazifa to make someone fall in love with you any day you want. Recite durood sharif three times in starting and then recite ya wajidu ninety-nine times. In the end, again repeat any durood e pak and then ask almighty to fulfill your wish.

Insha Allah, within 21 days, you will see the results. Dua for making someone fall in love with you is very useful. You have to continue this process for eleven days. 

How Long Will It Take For The Dua To Work And What Are The Results You Can Expect?

There is no specific time frame in which the dua will work. The results of the dua depend on your intentions and sincerity. If you recite the dua with pure intentions, then Allah Subhan Wa Ta’ala will surely bless you with the love of your life. The person you desire will start to feel an intense need and desire to be with you and will want to love you back as much as you love them.

Insha Allah, with the help of this dua, you will be able to make someone love you back and live a happy and fulfilling life with them.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope this post will help you to get your love back.


12 thoughts on “Online Love Dua to Make Someone Love You Back”

  1. Ustaz… I have been looking for love but no guy even seems interested in me, is there any dua I can make for me to find true love?

  2. Assalamoalaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu..
    Thanks for helping me personally Bilal Bhai. I got my love back because of you. I will always pray for you.

    • Assalam Alaikum, Sister there could be some kind of black magic involved. If you want us to see your issue then you can consult us on WhatsApp +91-8306867733.

  3. Salam Sheigh, I’ve problem with my wife, she likes cursing me a lot, even if I’m at work. Everywhere even at home in front of our 4 children she’s jumping saying bad things to me, even I have not done anything to her. She doesn’t like to see me at all. A lot things,…I’m looking a support through Allah SWT helps, Insh’Allah

    • Walaikum Asslaam, Brother perform this dua for your wife and Insha Allah she will change her behaviour towards you.


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