Dua To Remove Evil Eye, Jinns, Bad Nazar, and Negativity

“Evil eye” is a way to harm a person because of jealousy, envy, and hatred. It brings bad luck in the life of the person affected due to the “Evil eye. “The Dua To Remove Evil Eye can help you to remove Jinns, Nazar, and Negativity.

A Dua To Remove Evil Eye is made to Allah to remove the “Evil eye” effect. RUQYAH is performed on the person affected by the “Evil eye“. It helps a person remove bad luck from his life and solve all the problems.

The Dua to Remove Black Magic can help you finish all negative energy from yourself.

What does Quran and Hadith say about the Evil eye?

Whenever we are confused about reality and superstition, we must take help from the holy Quran and the Hadith.

“And the unbelievers who are bent on denying the truth would all but kill you with their eyes whenever they hear this message. And they say, ‘Surely, he [Mohammad] is a man possessed!’” (Quran 68:51).

“Say: ‘I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn, from the mischief of created things; From the mischief of darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who practice secret arts; and from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy” (Quran 113:1-5).

(Source – Learn Religion)

The prophet Muhamad, peace be upon him, have spoken about the Evil eye and its harmful effects. He also has suggested some duas to keep yourself protected from the destructive impacts of the Evil eye. Today we will talk about all the practices which can keep you safe from others’ bad eye or Nazar. If you or someone you know is suffering from jinn problems, read Dua to remove Jinn from body.

Surah to Protect Yourself and Your Family from the Negativity of Evil Eye

To overcome the effect of the evil eye, we make Dua to Remove Evil Eye to Allah. INSHA- ALLAH, may Allah saves us from the evil eye. “Aameen”. “Evil eye” affects the person’s health and financial conditions and brings much more problems in a person’s life. This is all due to envy hatred from a person. If your relationship is broken due to someone’s bad nazar then recite Dua for Someone to Come Back to You.

We want to clear one thing to all of our readers if you face any health issues, you must consult a medical professional. Sometimes we don’t know whether it’s an evil eye or just ill by natural cause. So it will be best to get help from a professional and ask Allah Subhanu Wa Ta’ala for help.

Dua to Remove Evil Eye:

Surah Al-Fatiha (Dua for Protection From Evil Eye)

Surah Al- Fathia Dua for Protection from Evil Eye
Surah Al- Fathia Dua for Protection from Evil Eye


Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 101 times after every prayer

Surah-al-Fathia is the first chapter of the Quran. This Surah provides guidance, lordship, and mercy of Allah(SWT). This Surah is known for its power to heal a person. 

Suppose you are performing Dua to remove the evil eye for someone else. In that case, you should add “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay in yu’dheeka, min Sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid Allaahu yashfeek, bismillaahi arqeek”.

The last two surahs of the Quran (Al-Falaq and An-Nas)

Dua To Remove Evil Eye Surah Al-Falaq
Dua To Remove Evil Eye Surah Al-Falaq


The Surah Al-Falaq is a way to ask Allah Subhanu Wa Ta’ala for refuse. Everybody knows when the Almighty gives shelter to someone, no evil can harm them. If you think that you are achieving success and facing the evil eye, read Surah Al-Falaq for protection from Buri Nazar.

An-Nas –


In Surah An-Nas, we understand that Allah is the creator and Lord of all humankind, and we won’t refuse our Lord. Reciting this Surah will help you to remove the evil eye as well as will help you to bring positivity in your life.

Dua To Remove Evil Eye Surah An-Nas

“Evil eye” is cured through the Dua to remove evil eye made to Allah. Evil eye brings bad luck, misfortune, or injury in life. It is highly recommended to recite Dua for Evil eye. Perform Ruqyah on the affected person. May Allah heal and save us from the “Evil eye” effect.

Ayat Al-Kursi (Ayat to Remove Evil Eye)

Ayat To Remove Evil Eye
Ayatul kursi in Roman English: Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom; laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; man zallazee yashfa’u indahooo illaa be iznih; ya’lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum; wa laa yuheetoona beshai ‘immin ‘ilmihee illa be maa shaaaa; wasi’a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya’ooduho hifzuhumaa; wa huwal aliyyul ‘azeem

No doubt Ayatul Kursi is the most incredible verse of the Quran. It says that nothing and nobody are regarded as comparable to Allah. It is excellent because it protects a person from jinns and shaitan.

If you recite Ayatul kursi daily, you will see that all of your depression and negativity is gone. That’s why it’s the best “Dua to remove Evil Eye”.

Important Note Before Starting Method to Protect Yourself From Evil Eye:

  • Always perform wuzu (ablution) before starting the dua.
  • If you face the problem of the evil eye in your life, then you can consult Bilal Khan Ji to solve your problem.
  • Females have to avoid reading dua during periods.
  • Don’t have hate in your heart for anyone.
  • Don’t eat meat during the period of reading the dua.

Video of Prayer To Remove Black Magic & Evil Eye

In Islamic tradition, reciting specific verses from the Quran or supplications (dua) seeking protection from black magic and evil eye is common. It is believed that seeking refuge in Allah (God) through sincere supplications can provide protection and healing. Consulting with knowledgeable religious scholars or community leaders can also be beneficial in understanding and performing these supplications correctly.

Please remember that seeking help from religious leaders and scholars is essential if you encounter issues related to black magic or evil eye, as they can provide appropriate guidance and support. You can consult Bilal ji on WhatsApp for more help.

Some Recommended Powerful Surah to remove Evil Eye 

“Hasbi allahu la ilaha illa huwa, ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabb ul-‘arsh il-‘azeem.” Allah is sufficient for me; there is no god but he. on him is my trust, he is the Lord of the mighty throne” (Quran 9:129).

“A’oodhu bi kalimat-allah al-tammati min sharri maa khalaq.” I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of that which he has created.

“A’oodhu bi kalimat-allah al-tammati min ghadabihi wa ‘iqabihi, wa min sharri ‘ibadihi wa min hamazat al-shayateeni wa an yahduroon.” I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from his wrath and punishment, from the evil of his slaves and the evil promptings of the devils and their presence.

“A’oodhu bi kalimaat allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah.” I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and every bad eye.

“Adhhib al-ba’s rabb an-Naas, wa’shfi anta al-shaafi, laa shifaa’a illa shifaa’uka shifaa’ laa yughaadir saqaman.” Take away the pain, o Lord of humanity, and grant healing, for you are the healer, and there is no healing but your healing that leaves no trace of sickness.

Can we recite Manzil Dua for Protection from Evil Eye?

Manzil Dua is 33 verses taken from the Holy Quran for protection against Black Magic, Witchcraft, Evil eye, and jinns. A person should recite Manzil dua daily after morning and evening prayer. But if you can’t do it due to some issue, you should regularly read this dua once a day.

Remember, you have to be in a state of wuzu before starting Manzil dua to remove Evil eye.

Manzil Dua verses in Quran

Surah Fatihah (chapter 1)1-7
Surah Baqarah (chapter 2)1-5, 163, 255-257, 284-286
Surah Ali Imran (chapter 3)18, 26 and 27
Surah A’araf (chapter 7)54-56
Surah Isra (chapter 17)110 and 111
Surah Muminun (chapter 23)115-118
Surah Saffat (chapter 37)1-11
Surah Rahman (chapter 55)33-40
Surah Hashr (chapter 59)21-24
Surah Jinn (chapter 72)1-4
Surah Kafirun (chapter 109)1-6
Surah Ikhlas (chapter 112)1-4
Surah Falaq (chapter 113)1-5
Surah Nas (chapter 114)1-6

Frequently Asked Questions About Dua to Remove Negativity:

  1. Which Surah is for protection from the evil eye?

    If you want to eliminate the evil eye, recite verses 51 and 52 of Al-Qalam. Many verses from the Quran protect you from the Evil eye.

  2. What do you say to avoid Nazar?

    You can perform all five prayers to avoid Nazar or the evil eye. You can protect yourself from negativity if you start to recite Quran daily.

  3. What did the Prophet say about the evil eye?

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The evil eye is real, and if anything were to overtake the divine decree (al-Qadar) it would be the evil eye.”

Insha Allah, you will have no harm after reading Dua for protection from Evil Eye.


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